Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Confusion in getting the treatment for AAA

I am male, seventy years old and I have been recently diagonosed as having abdominal aortic aneurysm apart form a right inguinal hernia. The doctors have given a priority for the treatment of AAA either thru open surgery or endovascular procedure. Of course, the cost of the procedure is sky high. I do not know if surgery is the only route that I should adopt since I have no symptoms of either of the problems. I have been getting varied opinions and suggestions on what I should do including faith healing. I had been a smoker since 1960, moderate - ten cigarettes earlier and in the past three years down to four and stoped smoking since three months. My master health checkup data reveals all parameters within normal limits except the lung capacity at 55%.

As per available statistics on the net, there seems to be a lot of people afflicted with AAA. I would be happy to receive their experiences. You can post your blogs here or send me an email on sharatratna@vsnl.net.
